January 7, 2020
As we began this school year, the elementary and middle school returned to a program once used in the district, Lexia Reading. Besides Lexia Reading, we added Power Up for 6 th ...

January 2, 2020
School will resume January 6 th , and there will be a lot taking place during the second semester. The BOE will take a comprehensive look at district facilities to determine...

December 10, 2019
The Board of Education would like to recognize Nathan Weber (left) and Lee Robbins for their service to the board of education over the years. Mr. Weber served on the board for ei...

December 5, 2019
The results of the Lexia Reading Program continue to improve! The students in grades K-5 and the middle school continue to enhance their reading skills, as documented through the...
December 2, 2019
We would like to take this time to invite you and your family to the K - 4 music and recorder students “Winter Concert.” This concert will be held in the High School “Norris ...

November 22, 2019
On behalf of the KSHSAA, we would like to thank you for providing a KAY program for the students in your school. As y...

November 18, 2019
Working with CAD type 3-D design is a very marketable skill. The Geometry students designed Adirondack style chairs via the program called TinkerCAD. Students then transfe...

November 1, 2019
Each month the district will attempt to report student data and where the district is doing in the programs we are tracking locally. Later in the school year, when state assessme...

October 31, 2019
Well, it’s that time of year that as the superintendent of schools, I have the opportunity to make people happy or the opportunity to make people upset when it comes to school clo...

October 30, 2019
Students of YCHS geometry classes traveled to Eldorado to Gravity Works.
Students attending were quoted as saying:
"It was very interesting to try and read the bluep...

October 23, 2019
Today, October 23rd, is Kansas School Transportation Appreciation Day, and the Woodson School District wants to take this opportunity to thank all the drivers and riders who go ou...

October 17, 2019
Online Enrollment/Payment is Coming to the Woodson School District
Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, the Woodson School District will provide parents with the optio...

October 16, 2019
The students of the Woodson School District continue to produce some exceptional ACT scores. For the 5 th -year in a row, the Woodson School District students scored above t...

October 16, 2019
Welcome to the new Woodson USD 366 website! We’re excited about this new website and all the information we can share with about everything Woodson USD 366. The intent of the dis...