5th grade connected with a class from Massachusetts on Friday for a mystery Skype. YC 5th graders were able to use geography skills and maps to find the other school’s location first. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Kebra Panko
5th grade classes during their mystery Skype.
KSDE has recommended that all school districts close schools the week of March 16th.  Since we are on spring break, this isn't an issue.  However, there can be no activities or practices taking place during this time,  Custodial staff will focus on disinfecting the schools during this time.  The BOE office will be closed for the week of March 16th.  As this situation changes, I will attempt to keep you in the loop.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Geometry 20% Projects ... some impressive work by YCHS students.
almost 5 years ago, Collette Jacobs
Geometry 20% Projects --  Floating into Springtime
Gardening Anyone?
Geometry in wood
Macrame is back
Move to Give is a day to promote being active and healthy for 60 minutes each day. K-8th graders are having a great time is high school volunteers. We raised over $3000.00 for our community. Thank you Yates Center!!
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. King
1st grade
2nd grade
2nd garde
Students in Ms. Mardis STEM class have started a unit on accessibility. Today they welcomed a guest speaker from AgrAbility who showed them items available to area residents.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Adam Spencer earned 8th place in 9th grade computational math and seventh place in 9th grade math potpourri. Darian Tidd received 7th place in 10th grade math potpourri and 4th place in 10th grade equations and inequalities. Jack King received 3rd place in 10th grade equations and inequalities and 9th place in 10th grade simplifications. Sean Hurst received 5th place in 10th grade simplifications. Molly Proper received 10th place in 9th grade simplifications. The 9th grade algebra relay consisting of Ty-Anna Peoples, Garrin Stockebrand, Alyssa Heffern and Adam Spencer received 8th place. The 12th grade algebra relay consisting of Alec Berthot, Austin Moffet, Jack King, and Stephenie Righini received 7th place. The 11th grade geometry relay consisting of Mark Bacca, Hannah Vining, Sean Hurst and Alec Berthot received 7th place. The 10th grade Geometry relay consisting of Abigail Ballin Capps, Addison Solander, Darian Tidd, and Jack King received 2nd place.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Information regarding school district Coronaviris protocol has been posted on the district website, along with information from KSDE.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Seventh Grade students shot off their volcanoes today.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Native American education with John White-Crow.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Busteed
All students grades Pre K through 8th grade are receiving 2 free books from the book fair. Thank you to OPT and the LINK grant for supporting reading. The book fair is open today, Wednesday until 6:30.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Yates Center FFA won the freshman/sophomore division of dairy cattle judging with Aidan Yoho placing first and Adam Spencer placing sixth. Also in the freshman sophomore division in poultry judging Yates Center brought home the third place plaque with Hannah Jones placing seventh. #ffaproud
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
High School Chemistry students came back this afternoon to work with Mr McVey’s students.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
High School chemistry students under the direction of Miss Shaffer worked with 8th grade science students.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Move to Give is THIS FRIDAY, March 13th. Students have to have permission slips sign by Thursday to participate. Kids are getting excited and we've currently raised over $2000 (our goal is set at $3000).
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. King
Move to Give
Yates Center book fair opens Tuesday, March 9th. Located in the Middle School Library, we will be open during parent teacher conferences. Most books are only $3 so come check us out.
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Book faor
Book fair
Middle School Play
almost 5 years ago, Natasha Hurst
YCMS Students Play
Parent Teacher Conferences this week! Tuesday, March 10th Grades - PK - 8 Only Wednesday, March 11th - All Grades Thursday, March 12th - High School Only
almost 5 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Southeast FFA District elected officers today for 2020-21 and Yates Center had two candidates. With 21 students running for six offices Aidan was elected Sentinel. He also was named the 2020 District Star Greenland. #ffaproud
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Congratulations to the following Yates Center FFA members who will be awarded the State FFA degree in May. Mark Becca, Trent Burton, Taylor Jacobs, Joey Smith, and Kayle Smith. Their applications based on supervised agricultural program, leadership, citizenship, and involvement were approved this week. #ffaproud
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
FFA logo
Wildcats Drop semi final game to Erie...
almost 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366